The Blog

I take Photography as an Art, an inspiration to Life. A photograph captures just a moment in that hundredth of a second, but deep down, there’s an innate story behind what you just see in that final frame. There’s this unearthly connect between you and what you experience. And, it is this connect that best explains the story behind this frame. And a photograph has this Godly power to relive that story. It’s similar to having a dream, and someday you re-live that dream in real – what most people would call a feeling of déjà vu.

The Author

Although not a professional photographer, it is my love to hear these clicks of the shutter and capture those moments, that I have started this blog. My love for adventure and experiencing new cultures and traditions has brought me here. To top it all, my travels throughout this beautiful country from a very tender age and a wish to relive all those memories, are what I think are some of the perfect reasons to express myself here. This World is so amazing, and there’s so much to see and experience and enjoy, that it makes me wonder if life’s too short to consume all the different people and cultures.

This is a first hand account of all the stories that I have and will experience, while hopping across one culture to another. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and will do in the future, in writing it.







  Don’t most people click on the “About” page to see what this fella looks like? Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to have met so many nice people and friends on the internet.

The first thing I tell them is that I look like a monkey. Looking at this pic, they don’t quite agree (Psst..psst …the secret is, I don’t tell them I have evolved, hehe 😀 )











This was taken by a Belgian friend of mine in New Delhi. You see the lady in red? Well, everytime I found a sweet spot for photographing the tomb at my back, this aspiring model would come over and nag us out of there. That well explains why I look like an obedient kid. 😀






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Special Notes :

:: All or most of the images from this blog can be seen and ‘Freely Downloaded in High-Resolution‘ from my DeviantArt Gallery. I will try to link the images directly to the download page. A point to be noted though, is that these images are Creative Commons Non-Commercial. Feel free to use images on your blog or as wallpapers, or the like but you must :

—-> Link to

—-> Give credit to Ankur Sharma

:: If you feel the need to use any image for any commercial purpose, please Contact me here.

:: The views expressed in this blog are entirely of the author. Any resemblance between the character in the pictures and any persons, living or dead, is a miracle  😀

111 thoughts on “The Blog

  1. Also not a professional photographer, but a lover of the grace that surrounds us. Love your photos and I will follow your blog, would love to see you again on mine! Keep up the great work!!! 🙂

  2. Hello there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have a love for photography too, but I don’t get out shooting remotely often enough. Lovely to see someone who does. 🙂

  3. Thank you for your ‘Like”. Your have a beautiful Blog, and I really admire the vibrant colors captured in your photography. i’ll re-visit, and you are most welcome to drop by mine again.

  4. Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. As I read what you have written about yourself, I’m sure you’d love the blog of professional photographer Patrick Latter. He and some friends took two hiking trips through the British Columbia Rockies and he’s posted the photos:I was seeing them this morning. You can see them at hikingphoto,com.
    Best wishes for successful blogging. Christine

  5. thank you so much for visiting my blog @ CallmeGomo, I will be sure to follow you and explore the very vibrant stuff in your blog.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m looking forward to getting your updates. The pictures have so much in them, and I really appreciate that you put the stories with them.

  7. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award « lifessweetbittersurprises

  8. I take Photography as an Art, an inspiration to Life.

    Bahut badhiya kaha aapne Sharmaji. Aap ka blog accha laga, tasveere acchi lagi shukriya

    Thanks for visiting my blog, be in touch with my blog

  9. Looked through your photos and all I can say is that I am quite jealous of your travels. I have a love affair with my camera – but recently broke my BEST lens. Frustrating. That being said. I am setting aside money to replace it and plan to get back in the game so I can retire the iPhone camera. 😉 Thank you for stopping by my page!

  10. Thanks for liking my post on our recent trip to Athens. You take some amazing shots of beautiful places too!

  11. Nice blog! I have been hemming and hawing about doing what you are doing, but not sure how to finance it? How do you manage to afford it? Another question, are you traveling strictly within India or other places too?

    • Rebecca, your question is one of its kind actually. I have wondered the last 2 days about it 😛 Well, actually I try to save as much as I can and use it for the best of my travels. I will also readily confess that I consider myself lucky enough to be born in India, which is a melting pot of a thousand rich cultures and traditions. You find something interesting and very diverse after around every 500 kilometers. At the moment, I am travelling through the length and breadth of India, but I am really looking forward to hopping across different cultures too 🙂

      I have noticed that you’re Ethiopian-born, raised in Vienna and Geneva, Canadian-bred and travelling across Asia, Africa and North-America. And you say you haven’t travelled 😀 Hehe, I can see your hunger. I like that 🙂

  12. Ankur, thank you for stopping by my site. Thank you more for leading me to yours. I love all the posts and your personality that rings through them. It is nice to run into such a charming, thoughtful, life loving person. When I was reading the Monkey God post I couldn’t help but think of Life of Pi by Yann Martel which has that spiritual life loving magic to it which I sense in your writing and images too. I’ve wanted to visit India for all those reasons and those many gods.

  13. Thanks for visiting my site and liking, ‘It’s Hana, Baby.” I enjoyed reading your About page but most of all your photo. I look forward to reading more of your work and learning not only from your travels but your photos as well.

  14. Just saw your blog after you ‘Liked’ my post on I should say, your blog is really amazing. I have subscribed, so that I can roam around the world virtually in your pictures.

  15. I like your philosophy regarding photography and the stories that are captured within a single frame. You have a great eye. I’ll be back to see more of your pics.

  16. Hi Ankur -thanks for liking one of my pictures, I just checked out yours and they’re incredible! You do have a wonderful eye and it’s so good to come across people with a such joyful, adventurous way of living their lives! It always makes me very happy 🙂
    All the best! Anna

  17. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Ankur which led me to yours ultimately. What an amazing picturesque blog you have here! I’m waiting to explore more. So I’ll keep visiting. Keep sharing the captures across cultures.


  18. Staying in India……this land and its people have captured many a westerners heart, including this one. Yes, each day is so alive and beautiful, in one moment a whole story presents itself…..and behind the story……stillness. Great blog… peace…..kai

  19. Hi Ankur,
    A nice concept – Hopping across cultures. Would love to follow you and learn from your experiences. You are right about photographs. They capture moments so well. In fact, a few days back I was looking at a collection of photographs from an event and could recall exactly what was happening during many of them. That way photographs also set a context for you to think back at those moments and sometimes the entire events.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. That is how I find some cool people on the web. Perhaps some day we can meet and have a cup of coffee. I lived in several places – Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bombay, Forest Hills in NY, the Bay area in California. So hopping across cultures and sub-cultures and relating to them is one of my passions too.

  20. Hi Ankur, thanks for stopping by our blog ( We’re in Jaipur now and will be heading into Delhi by the end of the year. Look forward to seeing some of the things you’ve photographed in person! 🙂

  21. Not only did I enjoy looking at the photographs, I also enjoyed reading the words on your blog 🙂

    Also, thank for liking one of my humble posts ^^

  22. Thank you for taking the time to stop by an “like” my current post. I do appreciate you doing so. I wish you much success photography. Take care, Bill

  23. Hi Ankur!

    Thank you for your like on my post 🙂 I’m new on wordpress and I must say you have a really interesting page! I look forward to reading more of your adventures and I wish you all the best in your photography.


  24. You have a fascinating blog here. Love the combination of photo and story. Thanks also for liking my current blogging of a children’s chapter book, “Jake, Little Jimmy and Big Louie.” I hope you will continue to follow it. May you have a Happy New Year!

  25. Your photos are awesome! Now, I’d like to go to India sooner because of them.
    And I also don’t watermark my photos. :))

    Have a great 2013!

  26. Pingback: Liebster Award « mauldinfamily1

  27. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your photos! They make me want to get up and go. And I absolutely love your tagline – the world really is pretty awesome, isn’t it? 🙂

  28. I really like your rainbow scarf in the above picture 🙂 If you could send it to me that’d be great 🙂 Sincerely, girl.who.doesn’ 😛 Ps. your blog seems pretty nifty too!

  29. Thank you for stopping by and liking “Breaking up is hard to do”! I appreciate it! Your photography is absolutely stunning. The contrasts in colors are amazing. Keep up the great work!

  30. Thanks for “liking” my post and dropping by. I don’t think you look like a monkey, but someone told me I look like a lemur due to the shape/color of my eyes! I like lemurs. I also like your photos and blog–I have a corneal disease that is common in India (odd?) and the white on black is so easy for me to read!

  31. Thanks for stopping by and giving me the opportunity to find you! I love your attitude towards life and feel totally synced in with your way of thinking and expressing yourself. You really seem to appreciate all those little things out there that are often taken for granted. I will enjoy following you 🙂 !

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