Hanuman : The Monkey God

It’s the weekend, you haven’t planned out anything and all you’re doing is idly sitting in your crib, bored and uninterested. What would you do? I walk 😛 Yeah, you heard me right. I walk. But hey, you don’t just go anyyyy-where. You at least plan out before you go somewhere, right? Nope, I just keep walking! Unplanned and clueless 😀 I like to walk, and I like to travel to new directions and explore new places. By the way fellas, what do you do? I am sure, you don’t just WALK or graze away somewhere unknown! {like a cow does 😀 }

So last weekend, I started in the direction of the main road hoping to find an interesting place. Everyday I come through this same road, but due to the hustle-bustle of the daily life, its quite humane to miss out on interesting things along the way. So after walking for about half an hour, I saw this really beautiful and colourful temple. I knew, it was my day to explore this place of beauty. By the way, I had also added this picture in my very first post.

When I reached the gates of the temple, I found some ice-cream wallahs sitting beside a big banyan tree sheltering from the heat of the late afternoon. For all those who don’t know, ‘ice-cream wallahs’ is the Indian derivative of the coloured Popsicle vendors. I was dismayed to hear from them that the temple gates opened only at 1900 hrs in the early evening, and that meant I had to wait for about two and half hours [which obviously I wouldn’t do 😛 ]. I found another small gate, which probably was meant for only staff members of the temple. I found no one to object me, and so I took my chance and sneaked in. Wow! It was beautiful. It was a Hanuman temple. Hanuman is the Indian monkey God. I took a close picture of Lord Hanuman doodled on the wall.

Many of you might be wondering who are those two people in his chest. Well, they aren’t people, they are Gods too – Lord Ram and Sita. Sounds funny, ehh? Gods inside Gods! 😀 Kinda like the Hollywood movie Inception, huh? 😀 Yeah man! India is full of these beautiful stories, and I personally believe it has tremendous potential of inspiring Hollywood with many of its legends 😉 Jokes apart, let me tell you this wonderful story. But, before I quote the story, I am certain it would be quintessential to also tell you who Ram and Sita are, isn’t it? So look, Ram or Rama is this Indian Superstar, the equivalent to Chuck Norris 😀  … whoa … whoa … whoa … are you kiddin’ me??  … C’mon! Are you serious, you think I will be able to explain to you the whole world of the Indian legends?? No way!! Ahh anyway, for the records Ram is the avatar of the Indian God Vishnu {Now stop complaining, I already warned you there are thousands of Indian Gods 😉 } and Sita is his wife. Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen …. please welcome another God … Hanuman!! 😀 And, so Hanuman is an incarnation of the divine and a disciple of Lord Ram. Below I exactly quote the story of Hanuman tearing his chest.

Once Sita, the wife of Lord Rama gave Hanuman a necklace of pearls. After a while, the residents of the city observed him breaking the necklace and inspecting each pearl minutely. Intrigued, they asked him the reason. “I am looking for Rama and Sita”, replied Hanuman. Laughing at his apparent naivety the spectators pointed out to him that the royal couple was at the moment seated on the imperial throne. “But Rama and Sita are everywhere, including my heart” wondered aloud the true bhakta. Not understanding the depth of his devotion, they further teased him : “So Sita and Rama live in your heart, can you show them to us ?” Unhesitatingly, Hanuman stood up and with his sharp talons tore upon his chest. There, within his throbbing heart, the astonished audience were taken aback to find enshrined an image of Rama and Sita. Never again did anyone make fun of Hanuman’s devotion.

So that was the brilliant story of devotion of Lord Hanuman. I wonder, what would happen if I did the same. Certainly a heart and the aorta and some veins maybe, I can guarantee that, haha 😀 So that was the story of Lord Hanuman. In case, you are interested to read more amazing stories about Hanuman, you can click here. And for all those of you very religiously-hearted, you know I was kiddin’ all along. So just in case, you’re offended, I whole-heartedly apologise for that!

And finally, I had my day and after sitting in the beautiful garden beside the temple for some time, I strolled back to home hoping that Lord Hanuman didn’t come and punish me at night! 😀

28 thoughts on “Hanuman : The Monkey God

  1. I like the story……..pictures are really nice…. bt i guess frst one is not HDR…… wat u say…??

  2. Great…so cool to get a close peak on your moments so far away. Hanuman reminds me of Ram Das’ guru, Neem Karoli Baba. He wrote a book about him called Miracle of Love. Hanuman plays a large role in their dynamics. Thank you for the sharing!

    • I don’t know much Spanish, but here’s the skewed version of what I wanted to say, hehe 😉 (via Google Translate). Best Wishes!

      ” Es un placer saber que” 🙂

  3. Ankur,
    I’ll translate for you as you have an international blog and I’m wide awake in the middle of the night in the US! Iparfoto said: “During my honeymoon, I visited India. I love it… Regards”
    I speak a little French too (not a lot), if you need me… Ha ha! 😉

  4. I met Hanuman in England. I was a bit puzzled about how this Hindu deity was making my acquaintance. Being a Christian tradition bound person…I found it ok in most ways but also felt puzzled regarding what this means about ‘the truth about what deity really is or are’. From my spiritual tradition, there is only one deity. ….I studied a lot and ended up re-interpreting this to mean that there is only one divine essence but it can emanate and manifest into multiple forms…I find it challenging to not be tricked into either hypocrisy or religious intolerance. Being a Northern human (a ‘white person’) there are some deities from the genetic ancestors and the local and ethnic cultures. Nevertheless, somehow I met and befriended Hanuman. When I suffer from the illogic of it and the religious tension I came up with a joke…for instance,…as a Christian in India, one might say, “My God is from out of town!” I have never seen a Hanuman temple until I saw your post but was a little surprised because I already knew all the stories your refer to in the post – I learned them in England in the 1990s.

    • When I first started reading your comment, I was like, “Holy Cow! You met Hanuman??!!” 😀 Hahaha, only later I realized what you were talking about!
      Thank you!

  5. Hi, thanks for liking my latest post… and thanks for these wonderful photos and explanations about Hanuman and Sita and Rama. For a short while I lived on Lombok (Indonesia) and had the good fortune several times to see performances of the Ramayana, so this post brings back good memories. It also makes me think of how much I liked the ketjak (monkey) dance, though that was not Hanuman, but ordinary monkeys…

  6. Lovely. Never apologise though to the ‘super’ religious; they usually can smile. And if not, may their god(s) frown on them! I too like to walk, though some call it rambling-like my writing.

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